Film Screening and Discussion of the Documentary "Midwives"

leadimagesizeAm Vortag des Internationalen Frauentags werden die FNF-Vorstandsfrauen Sophia Lötzsch und Stefanie Profus an einer Filmvorführung und einer anschließenden Podiumsdiskussion des Bonn Center for Dependency and Slavery Studies teilnehmen. Die Veranstaltung findet auf Englisch statt. Alle Informationen finden sich auch hier.

Einladung der Veranstalter*innen:

The Screening & Discussion of the Documentary “Midwives” is part of a two-day event series marking International Women’s Day 2024.

"Without us, where would they go?"

"Midwives", the award-winning documentary by Myanmar film maker Snow Hnin Ei Hlaing is set in the aftermath of the 2017 violent ethnic conflicts between the (Buddhist) Myanmar military and the (Muslim) Rohingya minority in the Rakhine state of Western Myanmar. 

The story follows the fortunes of a Rakhine Buddhist Woman and founder of a rural antenatal clinic and her Muslim Rohingya apprentice. The film delivers a nuanced portrait in which the clinic acts as a microcosm of contemporary Myanmar. With an eye toward peace and reconciliation, the film reveals how categorical markers of social difference, including ethnicity, religion and gender, contribute to forming and perpetuating dependency relations. 

The discussion will explore these intersectional dependencies.

Bonner Universitätsforum, Heussallee 18-24, 53113 Bonn. This is an in-person event.


16:30-17:00       Welcome drinks and snacks

17:00-19:30       Short introduction by Cécile Jeblawei, BCDSS Press & PR Manager

                                    Viewing of the documentary “Midwives” by Snow Hnin Ei Hlaing

18:30-19:30       Panel discussion moderated by BCDSS PhD researcher Anas Ansar


  • Ms. Rohini Mitra, Center for Development Research (ZEF)
  • Ms. OhnMar Khin, FEMNET e.V. & Myanmar Institute
  • Ms. Sophia Lötzsch and Ms. Stefanie Profus, Frauennetzwerk für Frieden e.V. / Women's Network for Peace, Germany

Registration: Please register by March 6, 2024, at: Diese E-Mail-Adresse ist vor Spambots geschützt! Zur Anzeige muss JavaScript eingeschaltet sein!

All welcome! The event is open to the public and free of charge.

Ort Bonn
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      Frauennetzwerk für Frieden e.V.
      Dr. Werner-Schuster-Haus
      Kaiserstr. 201
      D-53113 Bonn