Zur Gewalt in Israel und Palästina

Friedenstaube swDie furchtbaren Bilder und Nachrichten, die uns seit dem 7. Oktober aus Israel und Palästina erreichen, lassen uns erschüttert und sprachlos zurück. Es ist schwer, in dieser Situation die richtigen Worte zu finden. Deshalb möchten wir an dieser Stelle auf israelisch-palästinensische Stimmen hinweisen, die schon seit vielen Jahren und auch in dieser Situation unbeirrt weiter nach Frieden, Versöhnung, Gerechtigkeit und nach einem Ende der Gewalt rufen. Es sind diese Stimmen, die gerade jetzt hör- und sichtbar gemacht werden müssen. 

Die Liste wird in unregelmäßigen Abständen ergänzt; letzte Aktualisierung: 16.02.2024. 

(...) Even now – especially now – we must maintain our moral and humane position and refuse to give in to despair or the urge for vengeance. Keeping our faith in the human spirit and its inherent goodness is more vital than ever. One thing is clear: We will never surrender our belief in humanity – even now, when doing so is more challenging than ever.

Having always opposed the harming of innocent civilians, it remains our duty in these terrible times – as we count our dead on the Israeli side and worry about wounded, missing, and abducted loved ones, and as bombs are being dropped on residential neighborhoods in Gaza, wiping out entire families with no possibility of burying the dead – to raise our voices loud and clear against the harming of all innocent civilians, both in Israel and Gaza. (...)

(...) The occupation, the siege, the wars, the terrorism, the oppression, the racism and the violence, the violation of democracy and human rights - all these brought the two peoples who live between the sea and the Jordan River to an unimaginable disaster, which has no measure. Precisely in these terrible days, the simple truth is clearer than ever: the freedom, security and life of all living in this land depend on each other.

In memory of the murdered and for the sake of the living, we must act together - Jews and Arabs - for the release of the kidnapped and captives, for the end of the war, for the end of the occupation and the conflict, for peace. (...)

(...) Our stance is clear: every human being deserves a life of safety and freedom. Palestinians and Israelis both. (...)

(...) Nobody deserves to be murdered. Nobody deserves to lose the their loved ones, their homes, and their communities. Nobody, from the river to the sea, should have to pay for the actions of their leaders - or their neighbor's leaders - with their lives. (...)

(...) We know these words sound imaginary, naïve and unrealistic, but this is the truth, and we must recognize it. Every mother, Jewish and Arab, gives birth to her children to see them grow and flourish and not to bury them.

That’s why, even today, amidst the pain and the feeling that the belief in peace has collapsed, we extend a hand in peace to the mothers of Gaza and the West Bank. We mothers, together with women from all over the world, must unite to stop this madness. (...)


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